Hair Care Guide - Black Hair Care Tips
Released on = January 16, 2007, 8:41 pm
Press Release Author = lisa
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = Welcome to Hair Care Guide.Here you finds Information about How to prevent hair loss and also Black Hair Care Tips.
Press Release Body = Welcome to Hair Care Guide.Here you finds Information about How to prevent hair loss and also Black Hair Care Tips.
Loss of the hair in Man
In short At the man, more than 95% of the falls of hair (alopcies) being of genetic origin, yours has good lucks too to be it. But of other factors, nonhereditary, can also start a loss of hair or be added with the genetic factor and worsen it.
Loss of the hair in Woman
The women also produce androgens (though in much smaller quantity than the men), by the ovaries and the glands suprarenals. This is why they can also develop this type of fall. The action of the androgens consists in accelerating the cycle of life of certain hair. This abnormal acceleration imposes on the pilous follicules and the roots a rate of infernal production, obliging them to manufacture increasingly fine and short hair. In the long term, exhausted, the follicules end up producing only sleeping bag, then more nothing the whole. The presence of family antecedents (mother, grandmothers, aunts but also father, grandfathers or uncles) is an important factor for the diagnosis. Hair care is an overall term for parts of hygiene and cosmetology involving the hair on the human head. Care of the hair and the scalp skin are often separate, but in the care of hair are intertwined of necessity since the hair springs forth from under the skin. The alive part of hair is the hair follicle which contains the hair root, the sebacious gland, the vessel for delivering nutrients (via the blood), and other parts. Hair itself is dead; however, much can be done to manage hair such that the outer surface of hair, the cuticle, will remain in tact and protecting the inner parts of the hair shaft: the cortex and the medulla. Hair care means for many a visit to a professional stylist.
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